Frequently Asked Questions


State Law is clear on when and how property and personal taxes can be appealed. All protests must be submitted through the County Assessor's Office. You can find more information on the subject by visiting their website at www.clevelandcountyassessor.us or contact their office at 405-366-0230.




You may pay online by clicking here. Paymentus charges a convenience fee of 2.3% for credit cards, a $3.95 fee for debit cards. The Electronic Check fee is $0.75 (online only).
State Law does not allow counties to profit from or incur expenses in regards to Credit/Debit card payments. Paymentus is an independent 3rd party that receives all fees for services of online/phone payments.
Yes, current taxes may be paid with any of these methods: cash, certified funds, personal check and/or credit card. 936's can only be paid with cash, cashier’s check or money order. 936's cannot be paid with personal checks or credit cards.
201 S. Jones Ave, Suite 100, Norman, OK 73069
We are located on the West side of the Cleveland County Courthouse, 201 S. Jones Ave, Norman, OK. Click here for specific directions to our office.
Monday thru Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. except Holidays. For after hours convenience we have a drop box located on the north side of the Courthouse.
With exception for those required to fill out a 936R mobile home form, Personal and Ad Valorem Property taxes may not be prepaid.




Tax statements are mailed to the owner of record at the address listed on the Warranty Deed, unless otherwise requested.
To make changes to the owner of record's name, a new Deed must be filed with the County Clerk's Office.
You can update the mailing address via email, U.S. mail, or phone. Send us your change information including your name and account number by clicking here CountyTreasurer@ClevelandCountyOK.com.

You can also download a Change of Address Form. This form needs to be mailed to

201 S Jones Ste. 100
Norman, Ok 73069

Or call our office at 405-366-0217 to update your address.
Tax statements are mailed the latter half of November.
Yes. State law requires taxpayers to pay all taxes even if a statement is never received, without exception. O.S. Title 68, Section 2913.
Payment on current year's taxes must be postmarked or paid before January 1st.
On amounts exceeding $25.00 Taxpayers may elect to pay one half of their tax prior to Jan 1st, and the balance prior to April 1st. When choosing this method it is essential that the first payment meet or exceed one half of the tax, to the penny.
State law requires a statement be mailed to taxpayer's last known address. O.S. TITLE 68 SECTION 2915
Mortgage Companies are extremely proficient in making tax payments. In addition, you can research tax payment history on a particular piece of property by clicking here. Be aware that many mortgage companies will not make the transmittal payment until the last day of the year, and that our records will not reflect that payment for another 5-7 days.




Our website provides a variety of information on every parcel of land in Cleveland County. This includes information such as Owner of record, Payment History and Balances due.
To start your search in our Website click here.
The County Assessor's office offers information on the value and assessment of your property. To access the Assessor's website, click here, or contact their office at 405-366-0230.
The Assessor's site includes an 'R', 'P', or 'M' followed by multiple Zero's at the beginning of the account number. Otherwise they are the same. You do not need to enter the 'Alpha character' or the Zero's to search your account on the County Treasurer's Website.




The Property Tax Rate is determined by the County Excise Board based upon the budgets submitted by the Schools, Cities, and County, plus amounts necessary to pay the bonded indebtedness voted by the people. The taxable value of a property is then multiplied by the tax rate, sometimes referred to as the "millage rate". Click here to access the tax estimator tool at the County Assessor website.
Yes. There are a number of exemptions, including "Homestead", "Senior Freeze", and "100% Military disabled". To see exemptions for which you may qualify, click here, or call the Cleveland County Assessor at 405-366-0230.
Yes. The freeze is on the "taxable value". While this can and often does limit the growth rate of property taxes, other factors such as new bond issues approved by voters can increase the "millage rate". Remember, property taxes are calculated as taxable value multiplied(x) by the millage rate.
Yes, The 3% cap on property taxes for Homesteads & Agricultural property is a cap on "Taxable Value". While this can and often does limit the growth rate of property taxes, other factors such as new bond issues approved by voters can increase the "millage rate". Remember, property taxes are calculated as taxable value multiplied(X) by the millage rate.
There is a 5% cap on taxable value for commercial property.




No. State Law requires publication of this information as one step in notifying taxpayers that taxes are delinquent on a particular piece of property.
For taxes due before Jan 1st of any given year, the publication of delinquents will take place in September. To avoid this publication, taxpayers must pay their accounts in full prior to August 15th. There are no exceptions.
State law expressly forbids a Treasurer from waiving interest or fees on taxes due. The law provides taxpayers with a mechanism for protesting taxes and only through this process may any of the above be waived. All protest must be submitted through the County Assessor's office.




Your annual tax statement will specifically list where all money is spent. Overall in 2011, Schools received 70%, Cities 9%, Library 7%, Health Department 3%, and the County Offices (combined) 11% of the total revenue.




Most forms such as these and others including Business, Mobile Home (936) and Farm Equipment can be found at the Cleveland County Assessor's Office. Call (405)366-0230 or visit www.clevelandcountyassessor.us to get more information.




It is a warrant issued by the Treasurer and served by the Sheriff's office when taxes are delinquent on personal property.
For taxes due prior to January 1st of any given year, warrants can be issued any time after June 1st.
Yes. The Treasurer's office has statutory fees for processing the warrant and the Sheriff's department has statutory fees for serving the warrant. In addition to the fees, interest will accrue until full payment is made.
No! There are financial obligations associated with a Tax Warrant, but no criminal penalty.
In addition to the fees and interest as described above, State Law allows for Liens to be placed on real estate, and seizure of personal property to satisfy the tax debt.
Once a Warrant has been issued the Sheriff's Deputy whose name is listed on the warrant should be contacted at the Sheriff's Office.
Once a Warrant has been issued all payments should be made to the Cleveland County Sheriff's Office, 111 N. Peters Ave., Suite 600, Norman, OK 73069.




A Tax levy is the amount charged per thousand dollars of assessed value on property. For purposes of taxation Cleveland County is divided into 31 distinct districts, based upon the school system that a property sits within.
The State Constitution and State Laws, along with Voter approved bond issues are the predominate factor in establishing tax levies.
This information will be listed on your tax statement. In addition, you may research the information on our website. Click here to research your taxes.




If the County Assessor has included a mobile home with the land there will be one bill that is all inclusive, otherwise there will be separate bills for the real estate and the mobile home.
Rural Fire Districts are created through a vote of the people. Once approved, they are assessed annually and collected in the same manner as all ad valorem taxes.